Training Expert Psychiatrists
In the 10 years since I obtained my license to practice medicine, my goal has been to train experts in psychiatry who possess both independence and objectivity. We offer a flexible rotation program based on an Early Research Program (2 years), a Specialist Research Program (3 years), and a Graduate School/Sub-specialty Research Program (4 years) to those looking to obtain any of three certifications: psychiatric specialist, designated mental health doctor, or a diploma (doctor of medicine).
Kumamoto University Hospital is the only advanced treatment hospital in Kumamoto Prefecture. It has a total of 848 beds, 50 of which are for psychiatry (38 in the open unit, 12 in the closed unit). There are a variety of psychiatric cases, including those stemming from external, internal, and psychogenic factors, making Kumamoto University Hospital an excellent place for research. Our psychiatric specialist program consists of work at three locations: 1. Kumamoto University Hospital (main), 2. a psychiatry department at an affiliated general hospital, and 3. a psychiatric hospital. This is so that you are able to train as a specialist in different settings. After your fifth year, we provide comprehensive support so that you are able to quickly obtain certification as a psychiatry specialist or designated mental health doctor.
Also, because psychiatry is a field where objectivity is difficult to quantify, training in scientific thinking to foster your sense of objectivity as a psychiatrist is essential. Through clinical conferences, research conferences, academic conference presentations, case report papers, etc., in the specialist training program, you will learn the rudimentary processes of scientific thinking. Then, through brain science research at graduate school, you will further improve your scientific thought process skills. Your research will change how you think clinically. Through this, I hope that you will become an independent, expert psychiatrist. Also, because we accept medical students and first-year post-graduate researchers at the Kumamoto University Department of Neuropsychiatry, we provide financial support through our Shibasaburo Program. This program allows participants to complete both post-graduate clinical training and graduate school at the same time in four years. Please contact us if you are interested.
The training program is provided on a flexible rotation model that matches each doctor's traits and interests. We can provide semi-customized training programs that include visits to specialist institutions and both domestic and international student exchange. For women doctors thinking about pregnancy or raising children, we place maximum consideration on building a career that properly balances both work and private life.